Na Siano Sunrise 2017 – VIDEO

If you’re fed up with huge festivals, we recommend small and private open air music events. We’re organizing one already and more are coming up – without security guards, grants, adverts or media. Ask your friends.

Again, big thanks to artists:

LIKE THEM on Facebook:
The Novorodkens, Kiev Office, Pancerne Rowery, Death Crusade, Oil Stains, 30 kilo słońca, Jak Zwał Tak Zwał, Beniovska, Wczasy, Szelest Spadających Papierków, Hospital Waste, DJ Kurwa, Kalafior Derambo, Raper Joozef, Technolodzy Procesu, Andante Agitato, Padam, AAdonis, Kormorany i Żurawie.