7faz / Faza C
Nasiono 76/2016
1. Faza C 28:41
format: cd-r
sleeve: white unipack on left side. Print: stamps. Booklet included. Handmade, numbered copies (100)
total time: 28:41
FREE UPGRADE to Faza C+B or C+A on one CD-R!
PREMIERE: 22 July 2016
price: 29,99 zl (+ 6 zl costs for shipping inside Poland)
price: 6,99 € (+ 5 € costs for shipping outside Poland)
Faza C (phase C)
Pure drone, pure phase. The only one generated using nothing but synthesisers and effects. No guitars, brass, vocals or musicians. Created by Karol Schwarz during the Pure Phase Ensemble 3 ft Laetitia Sadier workshop taking place during SpaceFest.
PPE3 musicians composed 6 songs over the course of four days, while I made one sound. I set the instruments, effects and feedback to play on their own. Waves emerge and disperse. Rise and fall. On the fourth day, I turned the recorder on and went for a walk – says Karol Schwarz.
composed by
Karol Schwarz (Pure Phase Ensemble, KSAS) – synths, phase, feedback
Recorded by Karol Schwarz at Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdańsk 2013.
about 7faz:
Seven is a mystical number. It is a symbol of wholeness, fulfilment and perfection in many mythologies and religions of the world; it symbolises the bond between time and space. It was an attribute of gods, its figure featured in architecture, holy scripts, commandments and cosmology. There were seven virtues, seven sacraments, seven liberal arts and seven bodily “glories” of the blessed in Heaven. But we’re not done yet: there are seven days of the week, seven planets ruling the zodiac, seven rainbow colours and seven crystal systems. Not to mention Seven Samurai and the same amount of The Magnificent. And how many notes are there in music? That’s right, seven.
Now there comes another seven: 7faz – a new project by Tricity (Gdansk-Sopot-Gdynia / Poland) musicians associated with Nasiono Records. The project ideally fits the symbolism mentioned above. Why? Because 7faz is a finished wholeness and harmony but simultaneously – it constitutes a building material for something more.
Seven phases may be just listened to, but they also provide building blocks for musicians or DJs. “Phases G and E were used by Pure Phase Ensemble 5 ft Hugo Race during SpaceFest performance. You can hear Phase G in the background of “I’m Gonna Use My Claws” by Asia i Koty. Phases are also used by Projekt Poezja Kulturystyczna (Bodybuliders’ Poetry Project)” – says Karol Schwarz, the initiator and one of the creators of the project.
Seven phases create seven musical spaces recorded on seven separate discs. Each phase usually consists of two parts: tuning (a tranquil, contemplative part) and a trip (a louder part).
Individual phases constitute separate entities but they all interconnect in an unusual way, complement each other, unceasingly swirl around each other and interfere.
Seven days before The Deluge Noah heard: Take with you seven pairs of every kind of animal, a male and its mate. And also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. We do not know what Karol Schwarz heard, but the fact is that the musicians he gathered met and recorded in a wooden barn situated in the middle of Kashubian nowhere. Seven kilometres from the nearest village shop. And when it stopped raining – a rainbow of seven colours appeared in the sky…
more about 7faz: https://nasiono.net/en/album/7faz/
Released with the financial assistance of the City of Gdansk within the framework of The Cultural Grant of the City of Gdańsk
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